Message from All American Waste

I want to share with you a brief summary of where we stand with regards to COVID planning and responsiveness.

Like everyone effected by this very atypical situation, we are planning our way through prevention and worst case scenarios.  Our drivers are generally low-risk as they rarely interact directly with customers.  However, we’ve put into place a number of safe-guards for our operations and support personnel (work from home where applicable, cancelled any in house or driver-team meetings, limiting contact with scale attendants, increased cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and facilities, etc.).

I do not anticipate any service interruptions and we have contingencies in place with cross-trained drivers and supervisors able to cover routes if needed.  Should things go so far as a critical phase, I will contact you to discuss prioritizing and/or reducing services (prioritizing trash, then recycle, then bulky, etc… or going to a temporary every-other-week collection).

We fully expect to continue operations as normal and we’ve discussed our role as an “essential service provider” with local governing authorities.  They appear supportive of that classification which should ensure continuity of services should there be additional restrictions on travel and work.

If I see any changes on the horizon I will be in touch.  Stay healthy!

Eric Fredericksen
All American Waste