New Town of Windsor Locks Ordinances

The Town of Windsor Locks adopted the following Ordinances at the February 23, 2021, Town Meeting:

Enacted – An Ordinance entitled “Waiving Property Tax in an Amount Less than Five Dollars”; In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-144c:
That property tax, due to the Town of Windsor Locks in an amount less than five ($5.00) dollars, may be waived commencing with the property tax list of October 1, 2020. Furthermore, the Tax Collector, or the person responsible for the collection of revenue, is authorized to remove
residual tax balances from payments in an amount less than five ($5.00) dollars.

Enacted – An Ordinance entitled “Waiving Property Tax Refunds in an Amount Less than Five Dollars”; In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-144c:
Tax Collector, or the person responsible for the collection of revenue, is authorized to retain payments of property tax in excess of the amount due from any person, firm, corporation, or entity in an amount less than five ($5.00) dollars.

Both Ordinances will be effective thirty (30) days from the publication of this notice.

Adopted: 02/23/21 Town Meeting
Published: 02/27/21
Date Effective: 03/27/21