Project Summary
Summer 2019 sidewalk improvements will bring approxmimately 12,000 feet of sidwalks to the Route 75 corridor, greatly enhancing pedestrian safety and access. The sidewalks will intersect over 60 properties along Ella Grasso Turnpike, Schoephoester Road, and Halfway House Road. Crosswalks and pedestrians buttons will be added in some areas. The project is funded by a $1,096,800 grant administered by the and the C
Windsor Locks Sidewalks 90% Design. Both the design and above drawing are drafts subject to slight changes due to field conditions and stakeholder input.
Questions about the project can be sent to Jennifer Rodriguez at [email protected] or (860) 627-1447. Thank you, all, for being such great partners in this project!
- Sidewalk Improvements, Ella Grasso Tpke, Schoephoster Rd and Halfway House Rd will begin on Wed, June 12, 2019. Improvements will start at Route 20 on the east side of Ella Grasso heading from south to north. See sequence map.
- June 4, 2019 Kick Off Meet and Greet, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., DoubleTree Hotel at 16 Ella Grasso Turnpike
- Costa & Son is the selected contractor. The anticipated sequence is shown on the map above.
- Section 1 is estimated to begin in June, traveling north from Rt 20 to Halfway House Road along the east side of RT 75.
- Section 2 is estimated to begin in late June / early July, traveling east along the south side of Halfway House Road.
- Section 3 is estimated to begin in July, traveling north from Halfway House Road to Spring Street along the east side of Rt 75.
- Section 4 is estimated to begin in August, traveling west along the north side of Schoephoester Road.
- Section 5 is estimated to begin in August, traveling east along the south side of Schoephoester Road.
- Section 6 is estimated to begin in late August / early September, traveling south along the west side of Rt 75.
- If you see red / colorful flags along the road, those are indicating utility locations for the contractor. They are not sidewalk locations. Sidewalk locations will be indicated by stakes which will be placed in the ground by the contractor in the upcoming weeks.
- A "Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" sheet based on June 4th event will be posted soon, along with a project start/end timeframe.
- Town Staff will continue outreach to businesses throughout the process.
Updated as of 6/4/19
The below photos were taken at the 6/4/19 Meet and Greet, sponsored by the Windsor Locks EIDC and hosted by DoubleTree Hotel.
From left to right: 1. Safety First vest of Contractor Costa & Son, 2. attendees discuss the project with Staff, 3. Pedro Graves of Costa & Son with Property Owner, 4. Dana Steele Town Engineering Consultant from JR Russo & Associates with Sotoria Montanari of Capitol Region Council of Goverments (CRCOG)