Applying for Marriage Licenses
Marriage Licenses in Connecticut can be obtained in the Town Clerk’s office of the town in which the marriage is taking place for a fee of $50.00.
When applying for a marriage License, both parties to the marriage, meeting the eligibility requirements, must appear and provide proper photo Identification. Couples must have their ceremony performed within 65 days from the application. Please find a list of the Windsor Locks Justices of the Peace here. If you find you need assistance with scheduling your time with a Justice of the Peace, our office is happy to help!
For more information, please call us at (860) 627-1441
If you decided to change your name after you are married, you will need to report the name change to:
- Social Security Administration
- Department of Motor Vehicles: Connecticut DMV
- Passport: U.S. Passport Services
- Financial Institutions
- Credit Card Companies
- Insurance Companies
- Employer
- Retirement Accounts
- Voter Registration
- Post Office
- Land Records
- Any other organization you may think of!