Windsor Locks: Once and Future
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study
Written in 2013 the Once and Future TOD study, completed for the Town by Fuss & O’Neill, provides a thorough assessment of the downtown area in Windsor Locks as it relates to the relocation of the rail platform from the current southern end of town back to Main Street. The purpose of the study was to identify and define opportunities associated with the passenger rail station’s downtown location. A number of recommendations were made as a result of citizen and steering committee engagement. The following are just some of the recommendations made related to the transportation system in the TOD area:
- Prioritize station relocation to downtown, provide airport shuttle
- Allow for shared parking areas, parking to the rear of buildings and on street parking
- Provide multi-modal bike and pedestrian connections
- Provide access over the existing canal for connections to the State of Connecticut Canal Trail, Connecticut River and Montgomery Mill residential community
- Provide bicycle facilities and storage
- Provide Main Street traffic calming measures, pedestrian refuge areas
- Provide Main / Bridge / Church Street intersection reconfiguration
- Provide Bridge Street lane diets and cycle track
- Provide improvements on Chestnut Street
- Mary’s Triangle improvements
- “Town Square” improvements at the base of what is now Church Street
- Enhance transit connectivity between downtown and other destinations
- Finalize and implement a wayfinding plan
- Incorporate green infrastructure into road design and roadside stormwater system design
“Windsor Locks is uniquely positioned in the region, is well connected to regional activity centers via regional highways and arterials, as well as by rail and bus transit. Relocation of the station brings many opportunities, including downtown’s becoming a hub for commuter travel along the Hartford – Springfield line.” Windsor Locks: Once and Future TOD Study Fuss & O’Neill