Hunting permits, deer tags, pheasant tags, duck stamps, as well as hunting, fishing and trapping licenses are now offered for purchase from the Windsor Locks Town Clerk's office!
Licenses are also available for purchase online, Here.
Type of License |
Fee |
All Waters Fishing and Archery Deer/Small Game | $65 |
All Waters Fishing | $32 |
Archery Deer/Small Game With Deer Tags | $41 |
Connecticut HIP Permit | $4 |
Firearms Hunting | $19 |
Firearms Hunting and All Waters Fishing | $38 |
Firearms Hunting and Inland Fishing | $38 |
Handicapped | Free |
Inland Fishing | $28 |
Junior Archery (12-15 Years) | $26 |
Junior Firearms (12-15 Years) | $15 |
Junior Trapping (15 Years and Under) | $15 |
Marine Fishing | $10 |
Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp | $13 |
Muzzleloader Deer - State or Private Land | $19 |
Over 65 (Must Be Renewed Annually) | Free |
Pheasant Tags | $28 |
Shotgun Deer - State Land No Lottery | $19 |
Shotgun Rifle Deer - Private Land | $28 |
Spring or Fall Turkey Archery - State or Private Land | $19 |
Trapping | $50 |
Inland Fishing and Marine Fishing Licenses are available to Connecticut residents who are over 65 years of age free of charge upon presentation of a Connecticut Driver’s License or Passport. Hunting Licenses for those over 65 are also available to those who can show proof of having a prior hunting license within the last 5 years or a Certificate of Completion of a hunter’s safety course recognized by the State of Connecticut.
For the CT DEEP Interactive Trout Stocking Map click here. If you hover (or click) your cursor over the lakes or rivers, it will show you the designations. Very handy!