2024 Reval

2024 Revaluation


*Please note that if you filed an application with the Board of Assessment Appeals they will be sending out emails and hard copies of letters by March 1, 2025 that will let you know what the date and time of your appeal will be.

Link to October 1, 2023 to October 1, 2024 Residential Sales:

2023-2024 Residential Sales


Link to October 1, 2023 to October 1, 2024 Condo Sales:

2023-2024 Condo Sales




Q -What time period does the Revaluation effect?

A - This revaluations values will be in effect from the 2024 Grand List (October 1, 2024) to the                                        2028 Grand List (October 1, 2028). The first bill where the property owner will see a change will be                          July 2025. *DO NOT MULTIPLY YOUR NEW ASSESSMENT BY THE PREVIOUS YEARS MILL RATE*                  The Windsor Locks Board of Finance will establish the new mill rate.

Q -How is my property appraised?

A -Tyler appraisers in conjunction with the Windsor Locks Assessor's Office will estimate the value of your                      property by using the data on file and analyzing recent comparable sales of properties in the area.

Q -How do I appeal my value?

A - All property owners are given the opportunity to discuss their values with the appraisal staff from Tyler                     Technologies  during an informal hearing. If a decision cannot be reached with the informal hearing the                     next step for the property owner is to go to the Board of Assessment Appeals in March (or April if there                     is an extension to the Grand List. If a decision cannot be reached with the Board of Assessment Appeals                 the next step is Superior Court.

Q -What is in Informal Hearing?

A - An Informal Hearing is when a property owner has a question or concern about the proposed valuation,                  they are required to make an appointment. The property owner can make an appointment by going to                    the website linked above or calling the phone number above. A date and time to meet (either via phone                  call or in person meeting) will be assigned to discuss the valuation process and answer any questions the                  property owner may have. An informal hearing is not a forum to discuss taxes, it is strictly meant to                          answer questions on property valuation.