On April 4, 2020, I issue an executive order to address security measures related to scheduling and conducting public meetings via remote means. Since then, our remote meeting provider has added additional security measures and we have gained practical experience in conducting remote meetings that allow us to modify the previous order. Accordingly, the following orders are effective immediately and supersede the April 4, 2020 order:

All Windsor Locks boards, commissions and agencies, when conducting a public meeting via remote means, shall adhere to the following security measures.

  1. The published agenda for the meeting shall include the link to join the meeting remotely via the internet or telephone. Do not share the link on social media. Members of the public are asked to cooperate in not republishing the link on social media.
  2. Meeting hosts shall use the waiting room feature and not admit members of the public to remote meetings until just prior to the start of the meeting or, if a member of the public requests to join after the meeting has begun, as soon as possible after requesting to join.
  3. Screen-sharing shall be restricted by the host before and during a meeting.
  4. Meeting participants shall be identified by first and last name during the meeting whenever possible. The identification of a participant by partial name, nickname or phone number is discouraged.
  5. All members of the public shall be muted with video disabled during the meeting unless the member of the public has been recognized to address the meeting. In such cases, the host will unmute (and at the discretion of the chairperson of the meeting enable the video) of the member of the public during such time as he or she is addressing the meeting.
  6. In meeting file transfer shall be disabled by the host.
  7. Private chat shall be disabled by the host.
  8. The manner in which public input is received shall be at the discretion of the chairperson.
  9. All remote meetings shall be recorded and the recording shall be made available on the town webpage within a reasonable time following each meeting.

J. Christopher Kervick

First Selectman